Driveco - B2C Mobile app

Redesign of the Driveco mobile application (iOS and Android) and deliver it to the app stores in 4 months (mar-july 2023).

Driveco: Electric mobility at your fingertips

Driveco is a French pioneer in charging. Since 2010 they design, install, finance and operate electric vehicle charging stations, with more than 8,000 charging points deployed (and more are in the process of installation in France).

At the beginning of this project, Driveco raised 250 million euros to become a European leader in electric charging. This is a record for a fundraising in the charging station sector in France, and one of the largest worldwide.


Project conducted as part of Mozza collective. We were hired as freelancers to craft a new version of the mobile application and to give support on the building phase in order to get the app to the stores in 4 months.

Driveco: Electric mobility at your fingertips

Driveco is a French pioneer in charging. Since 2010 they design, install, finance and operate electric vehicle charging stations, with more than 8,000 charging points deployed (and more are in the process of installation in France).

At the beginning of this project, Driveco raised 250 million euros to become a European leader in electric charging. This is a record for a fundraising in the charging station sector in France, and one of the largest worldwide.


Project conducted as part of Mozza collective. We were hired as freelancers to craft a new version of the mobile application and to give support on the building phase in order to get the app to the stores in 4 months.

Driveco: Electric mobility at your fingertips

Driveco is a French pioneer in charging. Since 2010 they design, install, finance and operate electric vehicle charging stations, with more than 8,000 charging points deployed (and more are in the process of installation in France).

At the beginning of this project, Driveco raised 250 million euros to become a European leader in electric charging. This is a record for a fundraising in the charging station sector in France, and one of the largest worldwide.


Project conducted as part of Mozza collective. We were hired as freelancers to craft a new version of the mobile application and to give support on the building phase in order to get the app to the stores in 4 months.

Project phases

Step-by-step of the project, from discovery to delivery

Kick off

Main KPI of the project is to increase user satisfaction measured by the app stores rating score. Currently, the app has a score of 4.5 already. So it is hard to increase a score that is already high. Their workforce are mainly dedicated to the hardwares. For the software, they had hired a frontend developer, also as freelancer, to build the new app version with us. Product team of the company was inexisting at the start of this project. The CPO hired us for the product strategy and product design subjects, moreover they also hired a frontend developer as freelancer for this project.









What's new? Project outcome

The new Driveco application (v3.0) was launched on Apple Store and Play Store on August 1st 2023


Check the final result with this clickable prototype

The squad

Meet the talented bunch who made this project a grand success

Marta Ponzone

Research & Product Management

Julien XXXX

Product Strategy

Jeremy Nohile

Frontend development (Reactive Native)

Bettina D'ávila

Product Design


Let's work together!


Let's work together!