Kuido.ai - AI for good ❤️
Design concept for Kuido.ai, an AI assistant for vitiligo patients
Kuido est un projet entièrement bénévole dont l’objectif est d’aider les personnes atteintes de vitiligo à mieux vivre avec leur maladie et leurs aidants à adopter les bons comportements pour soutenir leurs proches dans ce chemin.
Le vitiligo c’est 800.000 personnes en France, et 1% à 2% de la population mondiale. Tout le monde connaît en moyenne 2 personnes atteintes de vitiligo.
Project phases
Step-by-step of the project, from discovery to delivery
Kick off
Main KPI of the project is to increase user satisfaction measured by the app stores rating score. Currently, the app has a score of 4.5 already. So it is hard to increase a score that is already high. Their workforce are mainly dedicated to the hardwares. For the software, they had hired a frontend developer, also as freelancer, to build the new app version with us. Product team of the company was inexisting at the start of this project. The CPO hired us for the product strategy and product design subjects, moreover they also hired a frontend developer as freelancer for this project.